@use '@angular/cdk'; @use '@material/list/evolution-variables' as mdc-list-variables; // Renders a circle indicator when Windows Hich Constrast mode (HCM) is enabled. In some // situations, such as a selected option, the list item communicates the selected state by changing // its background color. Since that doesn't work in HCM, this mixin provides an alternative by // rendering a circle. @mixin private-high-contrast-list-item-indicator() { @include cdk.high-contrast(active, off) { &::after { $size: 10px; content: ''; position: absolute; top: 50%; right: mdc-list-variables.$side-padding; transform: translateY(-50%); width: $size; height: 0; border-bottom: solid $size; border-radius: $size; } [dir='rtl'] { &::after { right: auto; left: mdc-list-variables.$side-padding; } } } }