export { MatFormFieldControlHarness } from '@angular/material/form-field/testing/control'; import { ComponentHarness, HarnessPredicate, parallel } from '@angular/cdk/testing'; import { MatInputHarness } from '@angular/material/input/testing'; import { MatSelectHarness } from '@angular/material/select/testing'; import { MatDatepickerInputHarness, MatDateRangeInputHarness } from '@angular/material/datepicker/testing'; class _MatErrorHarnessBase extends ComponentHarness { /** Gets a promise for the error's label text. */ async getText() { return (await this.host()).text(); } static _getErrorPredicate(type, options) { return new HarnessPredicate(type, options).addOption('text', options.text, (harness, text) => HarnessPredicate.stringMatches(harness.getText(), text)); } } /** Harness for interacting with an MDC-based `mat-error` in tests. */ class MatErrorHarness extends _MatErrorHarnessBase { static { this.hostSelector = '.mat-mdc-form-field-error'; } /** * Gets a `HarnessPredicate` that can be used to search for an error with specific * attributes. * @param options Options for filtering which error instances are considered a match. * @return a `HarnessPredicate` configured with the given options. */ static with(options = {}) { return _MatErrorHarnessBase._getErrorPredicate(this, options); } } class _MatFormFieldHarnessBase extends ComponentHarness { /** Gets the label of the form-field. */ async getLabel() { const labelEl = await this._label(); return labelEl ? labelEl.text() : null; } /** Whether the form-field has errors. */ async hasErrors() { return (await this.getTextErrors()).length > 0; } /** Whether the form-field is disabled. */ async isDisabled() { return (await this.host()).hasClass('mat-form-field-disabled'); } /** Whether the form-field is currently autofilled. */ async isAutofilled() { return (await this.host()).hasClass('mat-form-field-autofilled'); } // Implementation of the "getControl" method overload signatures. async getControl(type) { if (type) { return this.locatorForOptional(type)(); } const [select, input, datepickerInput, dateRangeInput] = await parallel(() => [ this._selectControl(), this._inputControl(), this._datepickerInputControl(), this._dateRangeInputControl(), ]); // Match the datepicker inputs first since they can also have a `MatInput`. return datepickerInput || dateRangeInput || select || input; } /** Gets the theme color of the form-field. */ async getThemeColor() { const hostEl = await this.host(); const [isAccent, isWarn] = await parallel(() => { return [hostEl.hasClass('mat-accent'), hostEl.hasClass('mat-warn')]; }); if (isAccent) { return 'accent'; } else if (isWarn) { return 'warn'; } return 'primary'; } /** Gets error messages which are currently displayed in the form-field. */ async getTextErrors() { const errors = await this.getErrors(); return parallel(() => errors.map(e => e.getText())); } /** Gets all of the error harnesses in the form field. */ async getErrors(filter = {}) { return this.locatorForAll(this._errorHarness.with(filter))(); } /** Gets hint messages which are currently displayed in the form-field. */ async getTextHints() { const hints = await this._hints(); return parallel(() => hints.map(e => e.text())); } /** Gets the text inside the prefix element. */ async getPrefixText() { const prefix = await this._prefixContainer(); return prefix ? prefix.text() : ''; } /** Gets the text inside the suffix element. */ async getSuffixText() { const suffix = await this._suffixContainer(); return suffix ? suffix.text() : ''; } /** * Whether the form control has been touched. Returns "null" * if no form control is set up. */ async isControlTouched() { if (!(await this._hasFormControl())) { return null; } return (await this.host()).hasClass('ng-touched'); } /** * Whether the form control is dirty. Returns "null" * if no form control is set up. */ async isControlDirty() { if (!(await this._hasFormControl())) { return null; } return (await this.host()).hasClass('ng-dirty'); } /** * Whether the form control is valid. Returns "null" * if no form control is set up. */ async isControlValid() { if (!(await this._hasFormControl())) { return null; } return (await this.host()).hasClass('ng-valid'); } /** * Whether the form control is pending validation. Returns "null" * if no form control is set up. */ async isControlPending() { if (!(await this._hasFormControl())) { return null; } return (await this.host()).hasClass('ng-pending'); } /** Checks whether the form-field control has set up a form control. */ async _hasFormControl() { const hostEl = await this.host(); // If no form "NgControl" is bound to the form-field control, the form-field // is not able to forward any control status classes. Therefore if either the // "ng-touched" or "ng-untouched" class is set, we know that it has a form control const [isTouched, isUntouched] = await parallel(() => [ hostEl.hasClass('ng-touched'), hostEl.hasClass('ng-untouched'), ]); return isTouched || isUntouched; } } /** Harness for interacting with a MDC-based form-field's in tests. */ class MatFormFieldHarness extends _MatFormFieldHarnessBase { constructor() { super(...arguments); this._prefixContainer = this.locatorForOptional('.mat-mdc-form-field-text-prefix'); this._suffixContainer = this.locatorForOptional('.mat-mdc-form-field-text-suffix'); this._label = this.locatorForOptional('.mdc-floating-label'); this._hints = this.locatorForAll('.mat-mdc-form-field-hint'); this._inputControl = this.locatorForOptional(MatInputHarness); this._selectControl = this.locatorForOptional(MatSelectHarness); this._datepickerInputControl = this.locatorForOptional(MatDatepickerInputHarness); this._dateRangeInputControl = this.locatorForOptional(MatDateRangeInputHarness); this._errorHarness = MatErrorHarness; this._mdcTextField = this.locatorFor('.mat-mdc-text-field-wrapper'); } static { this.hostSelector = '.mat-mdc-form-field'; } /** * Gets a `HarnessPredicate` that can be used to search for a form field with specific * attributes. * @param options Options for filtering which form field instances are considered a match. * @return a `HarnessPredicate` configured with the given options. */ static with(options = {}) { return new HarnessPredicate(this, options) .addOption('floatingLabelText', options.floatingLabelText, async (harness, text) => HarnessPredicate.stringMatches(await harness.getLabel(), text)) .addOption('hasErrors', options.hasErrors, async (harness, hasErrors) => (await harness.hasErrors()) === hasErrors) .addOption('isValid', options.isValid, async (harness, isValid) => (await harness.isControlValid()) === isValid); } /** Gets the appearance of the form-field. */ async getAppearance() { const textFieldEl = await this._mdcTextField(); if (await textFieldEl.hasClass('mdc-text-field--outlined')) { return 'outline'; } return 'fill'; } /** Whether the form-field has a label. */ async hasLabel() { return (await this._label()) !== null; } /** Whether the label is currently floating. */ async isLabelFloating() { const labelEl = await this._label(); return labelEl !== null ? await labelEl.hasClass('mdc-floating-label--float-above') : false; } } // Re-export the base control harness from the "form-field/testing/control" entry-point. To export { MatErrorHarness, MatFormFieldHarness, _MatErrorHarnessBase, _MatFormFieldHarnessBase }; //# sourceMappingURL=testing.mjs.map