import { ContentContainerComponentHarness, TestKey, HarnessPredicate } from '@angular/cdk/testing'; import { __decorate, __metadata } from 'tslib'; import { Directive, Component, ChangeDetectionStrategy, ViewEncapsulation, NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { _MatDialogBase, MatDialog, MatDialogModule } from '@angular/material/dialog'; import { NoopAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations'; /** Base class for the `MatDialogHarness` implementation. */ class _MatDialogHarnessBase // @breaking-change 14.0.0 change generic type to MatDialogSection. extends ContentContainerComponentHarness { constructor() { super(...arguments); this._title = this.locatorForOptional(".mat-mdc-dialog-title" /* MatDialogSection.TITLE */); this._content = this.locatorForOptional(".mat-mdc-dialog-content" /* MatDialogSection.CONTENT */); this._actions = this.locatorForOptional(".mat-mdc-dialog-actions" /* MatDialogSection.ACTIONS */); } /** Gets the id of the dialog. */ async getId() { const id = await (await'id'); // In case no id has been specified, the "id" property always returns // an empty string. To make this method more explicit, we return null. return id !== '' ? id : null; } /** Gets the role of the dialog. */ async getRole() { return (await'role'); } /** Gets the value of the dialog's "aria-label" attribute. */ async getAriaLabel() { return (await'aria-label'); } /** Gets the value of the dialog's "aria-labelledby" attribute. */ async getAriaLabelledby() { return (await'aria-labelledby'); } /** Gets the value of the dialog's "aria-describedby" attribute. */ async getAriaDescribedby() { return (await'aria-describedby'); } /** * Closes the dialog by pressing escape. * * Note: this method does nothing if `disableClose` has been set to `true` for the dialog. */ async close() { await (await; } /** Gets te dialog's text. */ async getText() { return (await; } /** Gets the dialog's title text. This only works if the dialog is using mat-dialog-title. */ async getTitleText() { return (await this._title())?.text() ?? ''; } /** Gets the dialog's content text. This only works if the dialog is using mat-dialog-content. */ async getContentText() { return (await this._content())?.text() ?? ''; } /** Gets the dialog's actions text. This only works if the dialog is using mat-dialog-actions. */ async getActionsText() { return (await this._actions())?.text() ?? ''; } } /** Harness for interacting with a standard `MatDialog` in tests. */ class MatDialogHarness extends _MatDialogHarnessBase { /** The selector for the host element of a `MatDialog` instance. */ static { this.hostSelector = '.mat-mdc-dialog-container'; } /** * Gets a `HarnessPredicate` that can be used to search for a dialog with specific attributes. * @param options Options for filtering which dialog instances are considered a match. * @return a `HarnessPredicate` configured with the given options. */ static with(options = {}) { return new HarnessPredicate(this, options); } } var _MatTestDialogOpenerBase_1, MatTestDialogOpener_1; /** Base class for a component that immediately opens a dialog when created. */ let _MatTestDialogOpenerBase = class _MatTestDialogOpenerBase { static { _MatTestDialogOpenerBase_1 = this; } constructor(dialog) { this.dialog = dialog; if (!_MatTestDialogOpenerBase_1.component) { throw new Error(`MatTestDialogOpener does not have a component provided.`); } this.dialogRef =, _MatTestDialogOpenerBase_1.config || {}); this._afterClosedSubscription = this.dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe(result => { this.closedResult = result; }); } ngOnDestroy() { this._afterClosedSubscription.unsubscribe(); _MatTestDialogOpenerBase_1.component = undefined; _MatTestDialogOpenerBase_1.config = undefined; } }; _MatTestDialogOpenerBase = _MatTestDialogOpenerBase_1 = __decorate([ Directive(), __metadata("design:paramtypes", [_MatDialogBase]) ], _MatTestDialogOpenerBase); /** Test component that immediately opens a dialog when bootstrapped. */ let MatTestDialogOpener = MatTestDialogOpener_1 = class MatTestDialogOpener extends _MatTestDialogOpenerBase { constructor(dialog) { super(dialog); } /** Static method that prepares this class to open the provided component. */ static withComponent(component, config) { _MatTestDialogOpenerBase.component = component; _MatTestDialogOpenerBase.config = config; return MatTestDialogOpener_1; } }; MatTestDialogOpener = MatTestDialogOpener_1 = __decorate([ Component({ selector: 'mat-test-dialog-opener', template: '', changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None, }), __metadata("design:paramtypes", [MatDialog]) ], MatTestDialogOpener); let MatTestDialogOpenerModule = class MatTestDialogOpenerModule { }; MatTestDialogOpenerModule = __decorate([ NgModule({ declarations: [MatTestDialogOpener], imports: [MatDialogModule, NoopAnimationsModule], }) ], MatTestDialogOpenerModule); export { MatDialogHarness, MatTestDialogOpener, MatTestDialogOpenerModule, _MatDialogHarnessBase, _MatTestDialogOpenerBase }; //#