import { ComponentHarness, HarnessPredicate, ContentContainerComponentHarness, TestKey, parallel } from '@angular/cdk/testing'; /** Harness for interacting with a standard Material chip avatar in tests. */ class MatChipAvatarHarness extends ComponentHarness { static { this.hostSelector = '.mat-mdc-chip-avatar'; } /** * Gets a `HarnessPredicate` that can be used to search for a chip avatar with specific * attributes. * @param options Options for filtering which input instances are considered a match. * @return a `HarnessPredicate` configured with the given options. */ static with(options = {}) { return new HarnessPredicate(this, options); } } /** Harness for interacting with a standard Material chip remove button in tests. */ class MatChipRemoveHarness extends ComponentHarness { static { this.hostSelector = '.mat-mdc-chip-remove'; } /** * Gets a `HarnessPredicate` that can be used to search for a chip remove with specific * attributes. * @param options Options for filtering which input instances are considered a match. * @return a `HarnessPredicate` configured with the given options. */ static with(options = {}) { return new HarnessPredicate(this, options); } /** Clicks the remove button. */ async click() { return (await; } } /** Harness for interacting with a mat-chip in tests. */ class MatChipHarness extends ContentContainerComponentHarness { constructor() { super(...arguments); this._primaryAction = this.locatorFor('.mdc-evolution-chip__action--primary'); } static { this.hostSelector = '.mat-mdc-basic-chip, .mat-mdc-chip'; } /** * Gets a `HarnessPredicate` that can be used to search for a chip with specific attributes. * @param options Options for narrowing the search. * @return a `HarnessPredicate` configured with the given options. */ static with(options = {}) { return new HarnessPredicate(this, options) .addOption('text', options.text, (harness, label) => { return HarnessPredicate.stringMatches(harness.getText(), label); }) .addOption('disabled', options.disabled, async (harness, disabled) => { return (await harness.isDisabled()) === disabled; }); } /** Gets a promise for the text content the option. */ async getText() { return (await{ exclude: '.mat-mdc-chip-avatar, .mat-mdc-chip-trailing-icon, .mat-icon', }); } /** Whether the chip is disabled. */ async isDisabled() { return (await'mat-mdc-chip-disabled'); } /** Delete a chip from the set. */ async remove() { const hostEl = await; await hostEl.sendKeys(TestKey.DELETE); } /** * Gets the remove button inside of a chip. * @param filter Optionally filters which chips are included. */ async getRemoveButton(filter = {}) { return this.locatorFor(MatChipRemoveHarness.with(filter))(); } /** * Gets the avatar inside a chip. * @param filter Optionally filters which avatars are included. */ async getAvatar(filter = {}) { return this.locatorForOptional(MatChipAvatarHarness.with(filter))(); } } /** Harness for interacting with a grid's chip input in tests. */ class MatChipInputHarness extends ComponentHarness { static { this.hostSelector = '.mat-mdc-chip-input'; } /** * Gets a `HarnessPredicate` that can be used to search for a chip input with specific * attributes. * @param options Options for filtering which input instances are considered a match. * @return a `HarnessPredicate` configured with the given options. */ static with(options = {}) { return new HarnessPredicate(this, options) .addOption('value', options.value, async (harness, value) => { return (await harness.getValue()) === value; }) .addOption('placeholder', options.placeholder, async (harness, placeholder) => { return (await harness.getPlaceholder()) === placeholder; }) .addOption('disabled', options.disabled, async (harness, disabled) => { return (await harness.isDisabled()) === disabled; }); } /** Whether the input is disabled. */ async isDisabled() { return (await'disabled'); } /** Whether the input is required. */ async isRequired() { return (await'required'); } /** Gets the value of the input. */ async getValue() { // The "value" property of the native input is never undefined. return await (await'value'); } /** Gets the placeholder of the input. */ async getPlaceholder() { return await (await'placeholder'); } /** * Focuses the input and returns a promise that indicates when the * action is complete. */ async focus() { return (await; } /** * Blurs the input and returns a promise that indicates when the * action is complete. */ async blur() { return (await; } /** Whether the input is focused. */ async isFocused() { return (await; } /** * Sets the value of the input. The value will be set by simulating * keypresses that correspond to the given value. */ async setValue(newValue) { const inputEl = await; await inputEl.clear(); // We don't want to send keys for the value if the value is an empty // string in order to clear the value. Sending keys with an empty string // still results in unnecessary focus events. if (newValue) { await inputEl.sendKeys(newValue); } } /** Sends a chip separator key to the input element. */ async sendSeparatorKey(key) { const inputEl = await; return inputEl.sendKeys(key); } } /** Harness for interacting with a mat-chip-option in tests. */ class MatChipOptionHarness extends MatChipHarness { static { this.hostSelector = '.mat-mdc-chip-option'; } /** * Gets a `HarnessPredicate` that can be used to search for a chip option with specific * attributes. * @param options Options for narrowing the search. * @return a `HarnessPredicate` configured with the given options. */ static with(options = {}) { return new HarnessPredicate(MatChipOptionHarness, options) .addOption('text', options.text, (harness, label) => HarnessPredicate.stringMatches(harness.getText(), label)) .addOption('selected', options.selected, async (harness, selected) => (await harness.isSelected()) === selected); } /** Whether the chip is selected. */ async isSelected() { return (await'mat-mdc-chip-selected'); } /** Selects the given chip. Only applies if it's selectable. */ async select() { if (!(await this.isSelected())) { await this.toggle(); } } /** Deselects the given chip. Only applies if it's selectable. */ async deselect() { if (await this.isSelected()) { await this.toggle(); } } /** Toggles the selected state of the given chip. */ async toggle() { return (await this._primaryAction()).click(); } } /** Harness for interacting with a mat-chip-listbox in tests. */ class MatChipListboxHarness extends ComponentHarness { static { this.hostSelector = '.mat-mdc-chip-listbox'; } /** * Gets a `HarnessPredicate` that can be used to search for a chip listbox with specific * attributes. * @param options Options for narrowing the search. * @return a `HarnessPredicate` configured with the given options. */ static with(options = {}) { return new HarnessPredicate(this, options).addOption('disabled', options.disabled, async (harness, disabled) => { return (await harness.isDisabled()) === disabled; }); } /** Gets whether the chip listbox is disabled. */ async isDisabled() { return (await (await'aria-disabled')) === 'true'; } /** Gets whether the chip listbox is required. */ async isRequired() { return (await (await'aria-required')) === 'true'; } /** Gets whether the chip listbox is in multi selection mode. */ async isMultiple() { return (await (await'aria-multiselectable')) === 'true'; } /** Gets whether the orientation of the chip list. */ async getOrientation() { const orientation = await (await'aria-orientation'); return orientation === 'vertical' ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal'; } /** * Gets the list of chips inside the chip list. * @param filter Optionally filters which chips are included. */ async getChips(filter = {}) { return this.locatorForAll(MatChipOptionHarness.with(filter))(); } /** * Selects a chip inside the chip list. * @param filter An optional filter to apply to the child chips. * All the chips matching the filter will be selected. */ async selectChips(filter = {}) { const chips = await this.getChips(filter); if (!chips.length) { throw Error(`Cannot find chip matching filter ${JSON.stringify(filter)}`); } await parallel(() => =>; } } /** Harness for interacting with an editable chip's input in tests. */ class MatChipEditInputHarness extends ComponentHarness { static { this.hostSelector = '.mat-chip-edit-input'; } /** * Gets a `HarnessPredicate` that can be used to search for a chip edit input with specific * attributes. * @param options Options for filtering which input instances are considered a match. * @return a `HarnessPredicate` configured with the given options. */ static with(options = {}) { return new HarnessPredicate(this, options); } /** Sets the value of the input. */ async setValue(value) { const host = await; // @breaking-change 16.0.0 Remove this null check once `setContenteditableValue` // becomes a required method. if (!host.setContenteditableValue) { throw new Error('Cannot set chip edit input value, because test ' + 'element does not implement the `setContenteditableValue` method.'); } return host.setContenteditableValue(value); } } /** Harness for interacting with a mat-chip-row in tests. */ class MatChipRowHarness extends MatChipHarness { static { this.hostSelector = '.mat-mdc-chip-row'; } /** Whether the chip is editable. */ async isEditable() { return (await'mat-mdc-chip-editable'); } /** Whether the chip is currently being edited. */ async isEditing() { return (await'mat-mdc-chip-editing'); } /** Sets the chip row into an editing state, if it is editable. */ async startEditing() { if (!(await this.isEditable())) { throw new Error('Cannot begin editing a chip that is not editable.'); } return (await'dblclick'); } /** Stops editing the chip, if it was in the editing state. */ async finishEditing() { if (await this.isEditing()) { await (await; } } /** Gets the edit input inside the chip row. */ async getEditInput(filter = {}) { return this.locatorFor(MatChipEditInputHarness.with(filter))(); } } /** Harness for interacting with a mat-chip-grid in tests. */ class MatChipGridHarness extends ComponentHarness { static { this.hostSelector = '.mat-mdc-chip-grid'; } /** * Gets a `HarnessPredicate` that can be used to search for a chip grid with specific attributes. * @param options Options for filtering which chip grid instances are considered a match. * @return a `HarnessPredicate` configured with the given options. */ static with(options = {}) { return new HarnessPredicate(this, options).addOption('disabled', options.disabled, async (harness, disabled) => { return (await harness.isDisabled()) === disabled; }); } /** Gets whether the chip grid is disabled. */ async isDisabled() { return (await (await'aria-disabled')) === 'true'; } /** Gets whether the chip grid is required. */ async isRequired() { return await (await'mat-mdc-chip-list-required'); } /** Gets whether the chip grid is invalid. */ async isInvalid() { return (await (await'aria-invalid')) === 'true'; } /** Gets promise of the harnesses for the chip rows. */ getRows(filter = {}) { return this.locatorForAll(MatChipRowHarness.with(filter))(); } /** Gets promise of the chip text input harness. */ getInput(filter = {}) { return this.locatorFor(MatChipInputHarness.with(filter))(); } } /** Harness for interacting with a mat-chip-set in tests. */ class MatChipSetHarness extends ComponentHarness { static { this.hostSelector = '.mat-mdc-chip-set'; } /** * Gets a `HarnessPredicate` that can be used to search for a chip set with specific attributes. * @param options Options for filtering which chip set instances are considered a match. * @return a `HarnessPredicate` configured with the given options. */ static with(options = {}) { return new HarnessPredicate(this, options); } /** Gets promise of the harnesses for the chips. */ async getChips(filter = {}) { return await this.locatorForAll(MatChipHarness.with(filter))(); } } export { MatChipAvatarHarness, MatChipEditInputHarness, MatChipGridHarness, MatChipHarness, MatChipInputHarness, MatChipListboxHarness, MatChipOptionHarness, MatChipRemoveHarness, MatChipRowHarness, MatChipSetHarness }; //#